How to Fix a Weak Flush, a Slow Flush, and Other Common Toilet Issues

The toilet is one of the most important pieces of equipment your home should have. But perennial toilet problems are often taken for granted until it’s too late. To avoid severe toilet issues, learn to detect the causes of common toilet malfunctions and the steps needed to take to fix them. Here are some of the most frequent toilet issues:

Full septic tank

Before troubleshooting your toilet, do the required maintenance procedure of pumping out your septic tank. Whether you live in Manhattan or Salt Lake City, you can call for efficient septic tank pumping services at any time. Providers often use robust and reliable equipment to clear out your septic tank in a jiffy, saving you time, money, and energy.

Ideally, you should be pumping out your septic system at least once every three years. This way, you can be sure that water flows smoothly, and solid wastes don’t clog your sewage system and cause your tank to overflow.

Weak flush

The soonest issue you might run into is a weak flush. This issue usually happens when there’s a partial blockage in the waste pipe that’s stopping the water from flowing all the way through, or the siphon and rim jets are clogged. The easy fix is to pour acidic toilet cleaner to clear out the jets.

It can also be that the water level in the tank is too low. To fix this, adjust the float by turning its screw. This will help exert less pressure on the fill valve, causing it to stay open for longer.

Slow flush

If a toilet takes a while to fully flush, it defeats the purpose of the quick-moving suction of the vent pipe. If you hear a gurgling sound from nearby drains, this means the culprit of the slow flush is insufficient venting. It’s best to have a plumber to look at the problem for proper repair services.

It can also be a result of a malfunctioning flush mechanism. You can shorten the chain holding the flapper to the flush handle for a quicker flush.

Phantom flush

fixing water pipes

Phantom flushes are costly problems because the water flows out, and the tank gets refilled even if you’re not flushing. That’s a lot of money going down the toilet. The primary reason for a phantom flush is a leak, which is probably due to a damaged or worn flapper or flapper seat. Drain the toilet tank and take out the flapper for due cleaning or replacement.

The classic clogged toilet

A clogged and overflowing toilet is perhaps the most common bathroom issue, and it stems from a single problem: clogged drain lines.  It can either be due to an accumulation of solid wastes over time. Baby wipes, tissues, or feminine napkins can also prevent water from pushing all the way through.

Try using a plunger or a toilet snake to see if it will solve the clog. If all else fails, you’ll have to call for a plumber.

Problematic parts

Of course, it isn’t just flushing that tends to be a problem.

Some of the pertinent parts you should either clean, lubricate, or replace include the flush handle, the seat stabilizers, the toilet seat, and the bolts that fasten the toilet to the ground.

Don’t forget to reapply caulking agents around the bottom of the toilet to seal off the odor coming from the drain lines beneath the bathroom floor.

Now, you can identify issues in your toilet easily. You can address the problem promptly. Also, don’t be afraid to call a professional if the fix looks beyond your range of skills.

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