Educational Activities to Keep Kids Entertained While Stuck at Home

For many children, spending time outdoors is an integral part of their physical and mental development. But if everyone is stuck at home, what can you do to keep them entertained in an educational way?

There are so many modes of learning that you can probably never run out of them even if you’re stuck at home. Now that school is out, the following educational activities can help kids learn while keeping them entertained without the need for a digital screen:

1. Reading

Reading with your child is one of the best educational activities that can double as bonding time. And if you’ve read the last of the children’s books on the shelf, there are still a lot of bedtime stories and books for babies and school-age children online. Moreover, you can make reading time more fun by acting out the stories through a play or quizzing your child about the book for a prize.

2. Learn an instrument

If you have an old instrument lying around in the attic, why not use this time to teach your child how to play it? Apart from developing their musical ability, learning an instrument develops children’s patience, self-esteem, fine motor skills, memory, and sensory skills. Who knows? Maybe music is a passion that your child will carry on beyond childhood and adolescence. But even if they don’t like playing instruments as much as you expect them to, it’s still a good idea to introduce them to the basics.

3. Try science experiments

A homemade volcano, tornado in a bottle, instant ice–these are just some of the most interesting science experiments that you can try at home with your kids. They are fun, easy to do, and are very much educational for kids who are curious about anything and everything. Homemade science experiments are not as messy as you think.

Planting in the garden

4. Grow plants

Turn your kid into a little botanist by letting them grow their very own plant in the yard. Find a plantable seed in your kitchen or order some online. Then, make the activity more educational by teaching them about the basic plant life cycle, how to take care of a plant, and why planting plants and preserving them is important for the environment. You can even take pictures of the plant every day, so your child can see the growth process in detail.

5. Learn about different countries

Take a world map and have your child throw a dart. Then, do research about the country where it lands. Not only is this an excellent way to broaden their knowledge about the world, but it will also teach them how to be more empathic, respectful, and aware of different cultures, people, and beliefs all around the world.

6. Work on weaknesses

Has your child been having trouble with math or writing in school lately? If so, using the quarantine period to work on these weaknesses is one of the best educational ways to spend your time. Look at their previous exams and activities, and then tutor your child until they can better understand whatever they are struggling with.

Having no school and being stuck at home doesn’t mean education has to stop there for your child. During this time, stave off boredom and promote learning at the same time with the educational activities discussed above.

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