Old Home Renovation: Safety Considerations and Improvements

In your search for your ideal home, you may be attracted by the charm that old houses bring. Not only that, but you may also be lured in by the price. However, you have to keep in mind that you’ll likely need to renovate many elements in the house in order to get it up to a decent level of safety. If you’re prepared for such a requirement, then you should consider doing the following as soon as you move in, or maybe even before you do.

Focus on the Structure First

It’s advisable for you to check out the roof and the foundations first, as these are often the parts that need repairs after a long time without someone to look after them. Repair or replace the shingles on the roof if they’re damaged, and add insulation if needed. With the foundation, the important thing is to make sure that it’s not unstable. After that, you can focus on other repairs such as replacing rotted wood parts and getting some window installation if existing ones are damaged.

Check the Utility Systems

There’s a high chance that the electrical and plumbing systems are outdated and possibly damaged, so you would do well to have them checked and replaced. Wires tend to become brittle, and pipes can get corroded. And there is no way around it but to ask a licensed electrician and plumber to handle it for you. In exchange for the cost, doing so will save you a lot of trouble from electrocution, fires, as well as leaks that can lead to mold if you leave them alone.

Replace Paints


Back then, when the harmful effects of lead were discovered, it was used widely in the paint. Since this is an old house that you’re renovating, you can expect to have the substance in your home. It will be safer for everyone in the family, especially your young child who might ingest some of it if you went and replaced the paint with the modern kind. Doing so would make the house look fresh as well, even though it was the old look that attracted you in the first place.

Have Other Toxic Substances Removed

It’s not just lead that’s the problem when it comes to old homes. There’s also mold that can give you and your family respiratory illnesses if left unchecked. If the house hasn’t been resided in for a long time, you may also have asbestos still in it. That can also give your lungs a bad time. Have these substances removed so you can breathe freely in your new old home and avoid hospital bills down the line.

Given the number of potential hazards, it can be a wonder that the old house you’re going to live in was considered home by its previous residents. But you can’t deny that there’s a certain charm to it that you can’t quite see in houses nowadays. Thankfully, it’s possible to get it up to the modern standard of safety, but you would have to be prepared for a large expense on your part.

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