How to Expand Your Workforce if You Own a Maternity Care

There is a severe shortage of maternity care providers in the United States. This has led to several problems, including increased wait times for appointments and births and longer travel distances for women seeking care. In some cases, women have been forced to give birth in hospitals that are not equipped to handle childbirth. Here are seven ways that you can expand your workforce if you own a maternity care business:

1. Hire Certified Doula Practitioners

Doulas are trained professionals who provide physical, emotional, and informational support to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Doulas can help you expand your workforce by taking on some responsibilities typically handled by nurses and doctors. This can free up your staff to provide more direct care to patients.

To hire doulas, you will need to find the right person. Pregnancy has all kinds of attachments to it, physical, emotional, mental, etc. Hence, it is best to hire only certified doula practitioners. Look for someone who has completed certification from a reputed institution. These doulas would have the right hands-on experience and knowledge to manage everything that a to-be mother needs during pregnancy.

2. Offer Telehealth Services

Telehealth is the use of telecommunications technology to provide care at a distance. Telehealth can be used for various purposes, including prenatal care, postpartum care, and lactation support.

Offering telehealth services can help you expand your workforce by reaching more women who may not be able to come to your office for appointments. It can also help you save on costs, such as travel and child care. To get started with telehealth, you must invest in the proper telecommunications equipment. You will also need to train your staff to use the equipment and provide care through telehealth.

3. Hire Midwives

Midwives are health care professionals who care for women throughout their pregnancies, childbirth, and postpartum. Midwives can help you expand your workforce by taking on some responsibilities that doctors and nurses typically handle. This can free up your staff to provide more direct care to patients.

To hire midwives, you will need to find a certified training program. The American College of Nurse-Midwives offers a directory of certified programs. Once you have found a program, you can contact the midwives in your area to see if they are interested in working for your business.

4. Hire a Prenatal Yoga Instructor

Prenatal yoga instructors are professionals who provide yoga and meditation instruction to pregnant women. Prenatal yoga instructors can help you expand your workforce by taking on some responsibilities that doctors and nurses typically handle. This can free up your staff to provide more direct care to patients.

Multiple pregnant women doing yoga

You must find a certified training program to hire a prenatal yoga instructor. The Yoga Alliance offers a directory of certified programs. Once you have found a program, you can contact the instructors in your area to see if they are interested in working for your business.

5. Hire Childbirth Educators

Childbirth educators are professionals who provide education and support to pregnant women and their families. Childbirth educators can help you expand your workforce by taking on some responsibilities typically handled by doctors and nurses. This can free up your staff to provide more direct care to patients.

To hire childbirth educators, you must find a certified training program. The National Association of Childbirth Educators offers a directory of certified programs. Once you have found a program, you can contact the educators in your area to see if they are interested in working for your business.

6. Hire Lactation Consultants

Lactation consultants are professionals who provide education and support to breastfeeding women. Lactation consultants can help you expand your workforce by taking on responsibilities typically handled by doctors and nurses. This can free up your staff to provide more direct care to patients.

To hire lactation consultants, you must find a certified training program. The International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners offers a directory of certified programs. Once you have found a program, you can contact the consultants in your area to see if they are interested in working for your business.

7. Hire a Prenatal Massage Therapist

Prenatal massage therapists are professionals who provide massage therapy to pregnant women. Prenatal massage therapists can help you expand your workforce by taking on some responsibilities that doctors and nurses typically handle. This can free up your staff to provide more direct care to patients.

You must find a certified training program to hire a prenatal massage therapist. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork offers a directory of certified programs. Once you have found a program, you can contact the therapists in your area to see if they are interested in working for your business.

If you own a maternity care business, there are several ways that you can expand your workforce. You can hire childbirth educators, lactation consultants, prenatal yoga instructors, and prenatal massage therapists. These professionals can help free up your staff to provide more direct patient care.

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