
Navajo Nation, Arizona

Exploring the Navajo Nation

Arizona is like a quilt of fascinating history and geology. Each square gives a different color and texture to the multilayered textile, offering sights and experiences that are almost otherworldly. This guide provides insights into the grand adventures that can be found in the Navajo Nation beyond the Hollywood favorite Monument Valley. Petrified Forest National

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Amidst Harsh Regulations — Make your Gas-Guzzler Greener

Last April 2019, London introduced harsher emission regulations to reduce urban air pollution. Dubbed the Ultra-Low Emission Zone, the program encompasses central London — extending to inner London by 2021. Vehicles that don’t meet the standard will be charged with a daily fine. Older vehicles might be in trouble — but you can take measures

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small house

Big Ideas for Your Small Home

Lifestyles have changed tremendously over the past years. While there are still maximalist people who want to live in bigger houses, the number of people who choose to live in smaller spaces is growing. They have found that living in smaller condominiums or apartments is much cheaper and that it keeps them from bringing in

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Relocation or Renovation: Factors That Help Make Your Decision

Owning a property is a monumental achievement for any individual. Some people are so proud of this achievement that a house warming party has become a tradition. Many factors come into play during the process of acquisition, including payments, mortgage and consultations. But, as with many things in life, nothing is permanent. There may be

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