How to Choose the Right Color Palette for Your Walls

One way to immediately change the look of your home is through a coat of fresh paint. It isn’t only affordable, but it’s also an easy way to instantly bring a breath of fresh air into your property, especially if you’re planning to put it on the market. But the real question is, how do you know which paint color palette to choose?

The easiest way to choose the right paint color palette for your interior is to look at the colors that you love. Once you start doing it that way, you won’t get yourself bound by the standard color schemes that you often see. You can even use your most favorite color palette and start from there.

Choosing the right sheen

painting the wall

Most people often seek the help of interior architecture & design experts when designing their homes in Utah or California. But if you’re into DIYs, then painting the walls on your own only seems like a natural choice.

Choosing the right sheen depends on your living situation. If you have toddlers around, selecting a much glossier paint means it’s also easier to clean. It’s also suitable for areas that have high traffic, such as the kitchen or the hallway. But choosing paint with high gloss will make any damages or blemishes more visible. It also tends to give off excessive shine when the light gets directed to it.

Meanwhile, semi-gloss is an excellent choice for both kitchens and bathrooms. That’s because it’s easy to clean and doesn’t have as much shine as gloss paint. Semi-gloss is relatively more affordable, too, which makes it ideal for those who want to save off a few bucks from home decoration.

On the other hand, those with a lot of blemishes on their walls would highly benefit from flat paint. Matte or flat paint can easily hide imperfections with just a fresh coat. But it can attract more dirt compared to other kinds of paint and also doesn’t stand well to scrubbing. It could be better to choose an eggshell sheen. Not only does it hide any blemishes on your walls, but it’s much easier to clean, too.

Creating your room’s focal points

Now that you know the primary difference between all kinds of paint, it’s time to consider your home’s focal point when painting the walls. You can be as creative as you want, depending on how you want each room to look.

Adding a splash of colors can change the overall aesthetic of your home. For example, if you want the room to appear bigger, then using a lighter color would do the trick. You can also play around by using two different color shades of the same spectrum.

You don’t have to break the bank to give your home a makeover. All you need is a few buckets of paint and a lot of creativity to change the entire aesthetics of your home. You can always check out a few magazines or browse the internet for more design inspiration.

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