5 Ways to Know When to Replace Your Water Softener

Water softeners are amazing devices in homes. They prevent accumulation of mineral deposits that clog appliances, make water easier to use for cleaning, and prevent scale from building up on tiles, in tubs, and in sinks. Some people consider hard water safe for consumption, but it reduces the lifespan of your clothes and appliances. As such, you need to know when to replace your water softener.

Water softeners have a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years even if you maintain them well. You would need to consider replacing your water softener for your home in Utah if you installed it over a decade ago. Also, the length of time your system serves you depends on the usage, which depends on the level of hardness of your water in your home. You can watch out for other signs that the water softener is on its last legs and that you need to replace it.

1. Age

One of the signs that indicate the need to replace your water-softening system is its age. The capacity of the system weakens over time due to exposure to chlorinated water. The efficiency of the system reduces by close to two percent annually. As such, you should replace your softener after a decade because it might not function effectively after that period.

2. Scratchy laundry

Water softeners give your clothes and sheets a fresh look and make them feel soft after washing. However, you might have to replace your water softener if every batch of laundry begins to feel scratchy. Additionally, you might have to buy a new unit if your clothes start to fade. It is a sign that the system is not functioning as effectively as it should.

3. Lather

Water softener replacement installationOne of the indications that you need a new water softener is water that doesn’t lather. It means that the unit is not softening the hard water in your home. You may notice that your soap and shampoo doesn’t last for a long time as it used to in the past. If that is the case, then you should hire an expert for water softener replacement installation.

4. Tap Water

Hard water tastes from soft water. Therefore, your water-softening system requires replacement if your water suddenly develops a bad taste. It is a sign that the system is not getting rid of minerals from the water.

5. Water Pressure

Water pressure in your home is affected by an array of factors, including your faucets and the water main. However, your water softener can be faulty if you have noticed a reduction in water pressure. You need an expert to install a new water-softening unit.

Water softeners make a big difference to the comfort in your home. One or two of these signs should send a warning that you need to invest in a new unit. The quality of water changes after some time. Therefore, you need to hire an expert to evaluate your home first before you replace your water-softening unit. That way, you will invest in one that suits your needs.

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