Five Essential Things You Need to do Before Moving Into Your New Home

Moving is part of life. Sometimes we move for new opportunities, to be closer to family, or for a change of scenery. It’s part of the constant flow of life and something that often happens in the United States.

According to a census run by the United States government, Americans move an average of 11 times in their lifetime. Reasons for moving vary but often include job, family, and lifestyle changes. While some people may find moving to be a stressful experience, others enjoy the change and new opportunities it brings.

Moving is part of the American identity, and it’s something that many people go through multiple times in their lives. It’s a time of change and new experiences and can be an exciting adventure. However, don’t be too excited when moving to a new home. You might forget about the essentials. Here are some essential things you need to do before moving into your new home.

Get it Cleaned

The first thing you should do before you move into your new home is to get it cleaned. You don’t want to move all of your belongings into a dirty and dusty house. It’s even more crucial if your home is newly constructed. A post-construction cleaning service can help you out with this. They can remove all construction debris, including dust, dirt, and grime. They can also ensure to remove any pests that might have nested during the construction period.

Moreover, getting your new home cleaned is essential during the pandemic. The virus can stay on surfaces for days, and you don’t want to risk bringing it into your new home. A professional cleaning service will use the right cleaning products and techniques to disinfect your home and make it safe for you to move into.

The average cost of a professional cleaning service ranges from $80 to $120 per hour, depending on the size and extent of the job. Many services also have a minimum fee, so ask about that before hiring them. Generally, the more specialized the cleaning service, the higher the cost. For example, if you need your home disinfected due to a pandemic, the price will be higher than standard cleaning.

Schedule a Move-In Day

Two Male Movers Walking Downward With Box On Staircase

The next thing you need to do is schedule a move-in day. This is the day when you’ll move all of your belongings into your new home. Make sure to plan this day, so you have plenty of time to prepare. You should also ensure that your utilities are set up and ready to go before you move in. This includes things like electricity, gas, water, and trash service.

You’ll also need to notify your current landlord or property manager of your move-out date. They might require a certain amount of notice before you vacate the premises.

On move-in day, you should have everything ready to go. This includes packing your moving truck with all of your belongings and having the keys to your new home. You should also make sure that you have all of your utilities set up and ready to go. This includes things like electricity, gas, water, and trash service.

You should also notify your current landlord or property manager of your move-out date. They might require a certain amount of notice before you vacate the premises.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Moving can be a stressful experience, so it’s essential to give yourself plenty of time to get everything done. Start packing up your belongings well in advance of your move-in day. It will help to ensure that everything is packed up and ready to go.

You should also start planning your move as soon as you know you’ll be moving. This will give you plenty of time to research different moving companies, compare prices, and find the right one for your needs.

Make a List

Making a list is essential when you’re preparing to move. Start by listing all the things you need to do before you move. It includes packing, scheduling a move-in date, and arranging for utilities.

You should also list all the things you need to pack. It can help to prevent you from forgetting anything important. Be sure to pack all of your essentials, such as clothes, toiletries, and medications.

Get Help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of moving, don’t hesitate to ask for help. There are plenty of people who are happy to help you with your move. For example, you can invite friends and family members to help pack and move your belongings. You can also hire a professional moving company to do your work. Movers can cost around $1,400, and this depends entirely on the size of the move, so yours might be less than this. Just make sure you have this amount of money ready.

Moving is a time of change and new experiences, which can be exciting. However, before you get too excited, there are some things you need to do first. Following these tips ensures that your move goes smoothly and you’re prepared for everything.

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