The Unseen Consequences of Losing Teeth

The most obvious effects of tooth loss concern the way you look and feel. However, profound as they are, the esthetic and the resultant emotional problems are not the only consequence of tooth loss. Unsightly gaps in the mouth can also lead to other less apparent issues.

If you still lose a chopper, get dental implants here in Salt Lake City so you may preserve your tissue, bone, good looks and ability to speak and chew your food easily and sufficiently.

The Hidden Effects of Tooth Loss

The bone that surrounds and supports your choppers requires stimulation to maintain both its density and form. The bone gets the essential stimulation whenever your teeth contact each other. The tiny stresses from this useful contact of teeth throughout your day help the bone to continually rebuild and remodel.

Loss of Alveolar Bone

If you lose a tooth, the lack of sufficient stimulation will, therefore, cause you to lose some of your alveolar bone. The initial loss will be concerning the external width of the bone. Eventually, the bone will lose some of its height and volume.

Loss of Gum Tissue

If you don’t replace your missing tooth, the bone will continue losing its width, height, and volume. These losses will be accompanied by a gradual decrease in the gum tissue. Your ability to speak and chew may then get impaired.

The intensity of the loss of these functions will depend on the number of teeth you have lost. The more the number of missing teeth, the more severe the esthetic and functional impairment.

Loss of Basal Bone

Ultimately, the bone beneath your alveolar bone may melt away. If the basal bone resorbs, the distance from your nose to chin may decrease. The lower third of your face may eventually partially collapse, and your cheeks may rotate and become hollow.

Risk of Jaw Fractures

Extreme loss of alveolar and basal bone may then increase your risk of jaw fractures. The enhanced risk is because the jaw continues to lose its volume as you continue losing tissue and bone.

Bite Collapse

person with missing teeth

You may also experience changes in the structure of your remaining teeth, jaw position and facial features. This bite collapse may happen if you lose only all or some of the back teeth that support the vertical dimension of your face. The loss of back teeth can cause your front choppers to get pushed forward or squashed.

This squashing happens because the front teeth cannot adequately chew food or support your facial height. If you are toothless, you may then seem sad when your mouth is at rest because your lips sag because of a lack of supportive teeth and gum tissues.

As the lips cave in, the unsupported tongue will spread into space, and your face will collapse with your confidence.

The adverse effects of the loss of pearly whites happen when your loss of teeth leads to loss of tissue and bone. Luckily, good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist can help you avert tooth loss.

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