How Subcontracting Can Help Solve Construction Delays

Are construction delays costing your company time and money? If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, construction delays are the industry’s number one cause of cost overruns. But there is a solution. Subcontracting can help solve construction delays by bringing in additional resources and manpower to finish the job on time.

The Causes of Construction Delays

Many factors can contribute to construction delays. The most common causes include the following:

Poor Planning

When the project is not planned correctly from the outset, it can lead to a domino effect of delays down the line. This is often due to a lack of communication between the different parties involved in the project.

Changes in Scope

Once construction has begun, there are bound to be changed in the scope of work. This could be due to unforeseen circumstances or simply because the client has changed their mind about something. Either way, these changes can add significant delays to the project timeline.

Weather Conditions

Bad weather is one of the most common causes of construction delays. Heavy rains or snow can impede progress and make it unsafe for workers to be on site. It can also lead to various problems.

Vision during bad weather conditions is reduced, leading to potential accidents and errors. Materials may also be damaged or delayed in delivery due to inclement weather. For example, wood can warp, or concrete can crack if not adequately protected from the elements.

Equipment Failures

Another common cause of delays is equipment failure. This could be anything from a crane breaking down to a shortage of materials. These equipment failures can also lead to accidents, and additional delays as the issue is resolved.

Labor Shortage

One of the most challenging issues facing the construction industry today is a shortage of skilled labor. Currently, there are not enough qualified workers to meet the demand for new projects, leading to delays as companies scramble to find available resources.

A contractor working in house building

How Subcontracting Can Help

Subcontracting involves bringing in additional resources from outside companies to support a project. It can include hiring extra labor, renting equipment, or outsourcing specific tasks. Here are some ways subcontracting can help you deal with construction delays.

Extra Manpower

One of the leading costs of construction delays is the labor shortage. The lack of workers in the field can significantly slow progress on a project. Subcontracting can provide additional manpower to help finish the job faster.

More Resources

In addition to extra workers, subcontracting can provide access to essential resources such as equipment and materials. It can help prevent delays caused by equipment failures or shortages of materials.


Subcontracting allows you to bring in expert resources for specialized tasks. This ensures that the job is done correctly and efficiently, preventing delays.


Subcontracting provides flexibility in managing unexpected changes in scope or unforeseen circumstances. It allows you to quickly adapt and bring in additional support to keep the project on track.

When faced with construction delays, subcontracting can be a valuable solution. It brings in additional resources and expertise to keep the project moving forward and prevent costly delays. However, you can’t just choose any subcontractor to help you out. Ensure that they have these traits before hiring them.

Trained and Tested

One of the essential qualities to look for in a subcontractor is that they have the necessary training and expertise. If you’re in the UK and planning to subcontract to other countries, ensure that your workers have taken the CITB exam. This exam covers the UK’s safety and legal requirements for construction work. It ensures they know the necessary protocols when working on your project.

Reliable and Trustworthy

Finding a subcontractor you can rely on, and trust is also crucial. Ask for references and check their track record with past projects. Ensure they have good communication skills and the necessary insurance coverage to protect against accidents and damages on site.

Language and Cultural Compatibility

It’s also important to consider language and cultural compatibility with a prospective subcontractor. This can affect communication and collaboration, leading to potential delays. If you’re hiring in other countries, choosing ones who speak the same language or understand your company’s culture well might be wise. If this isn’t possible, ensure you have someone who can translate and act as a bridge between both parties.

Compatible Work Culture

A good subcontractor should fit well with your team’s work culture and processes. This will make coordinating and communicating more manageable, preventing potential delays or conflicts in the project.

Overall, subcontracting can provide valuable support in managing construction delays. However, choosing the right subcontractor carefully is vital to ensure they have the necessary skills, reliability, and compatibility for your project.

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