Reasons to Build a Carport in Your Beach House

If you are considering home renovations, then here’s something for you. Living in Sunshine Coast means that carports are a great new addition for your home. Some homeowners might want to skip this necessary feature because they don’t want to obstruct their views of the beach or change the look of their homes. But they can benefit you in a variety of ways. Here are the top reasons that make carports a good idea for your home:

They will keep your car damage-free

The obvious reason people choose to install this feature is that it adds a layer of protection for your vehicle. If you live near the coast, you don’t generally get extremely cold weather or a lot of snowfall, which is why you don’t need the protection of a solid garage. What you need is protection from the sun as it can cause your car’s paint to fade. If you have a black car, it can also heat up if left under the summer sun. A carport will provide you with just the right amount of protection. In case there is a tropical storm, it will protect your car from getting damaged by flying debris.

They are cheaper than building a garage


Installing a garage can cost thousands of dollars. This is because they involve building a foundation, paving over the ground, building walls, and installing garage doors. It’s many times cheaper to build a carport instead as it is a freestanding structure that can be put in easily. You don’t even have to hire professionals if you have the DIY expertise and enough time in your hands.

They don’t attract too much attention

Unlike a garage, which can take up space in your front yard and distract from your landscaping, a carport is a relatively less distracting feature. It’s not a concrete box, for starters. It will let in plenty of sunlight for your garden, and it will cause less obstruction than a garage.

They are a multi-use space

The best thing about a carport is that it is basically a multi-use space. It can double as a gazebo when you are hosting an outdoor party or grilling, and it will provide you with shelter from the sun. You don’t necessarily have to pave over it. It can also be used for extra storage space for equipment that needs protection from rain, such as lawn mowers.

You can get one installed anytime

Most importantly, carports are quick to install. If you contact a supplier, they can ship you everything you need, and you can install it over a few hours. They can also do it for you. Generally, planning permits are not required for carports as they don’t involve extensive construction.

There are many reasons to install a carport, and there are also many different designs and styles to choose from. Cost is certainly an important factor that determines what you choose, but durability is also important. Make sure that you pick the strongest material. Go for a design that is going to give your home a timeless and elegant look.

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