Mental Health Issues and the Coronavirus Pandemic

With all the things going on around the world today, a lot of people can’t help but feel anxious and worried about the future. Sure, the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, is a great threat to our physical health. However, more than just its physical effects, people are starting to manifest mental and emotional illnesses due to panic attacks and despair.

If it were just a physical injury, you can easily consult physicians or therapists. If you went through a situation that could have potentially affected your brain’s health, you can always consult a reputable brain injury lawyer in Everett, Boise, Portland or any region in the country. However, mental health is a different matter altogether. We need to look out for its symptoms so we can help those suffering from it as soon as we see it.

6 Mental Health Triggers Caused by the Coronavirus Pandemic

1. Despair Over the Present Situation

A global pandemic that leads to isolation and containment is not exactly a heartwarming thought, especially for those who have a history of depression.

Being caught in a situation like this, which is unchartered territory, makes people face their mortalities and ask questions that have no clear and definite answers. Once no clarity is seen on the horizon, feelings of dread and despair start to take over.

2. Increased Anxiety

On top of their own mental health issues, having to worry about their physical health is sometimes more than a mind can handle. It’s already a challenge to maintain a healthy mind, how much more when you also have to think of physical health threats?

3. Fear for Loved Ones’ Safety

More than their personal safety, a lot of these people suffering from depression and anxiety also fear for their loved ones. The media keeps churning out news of people succumbing to the virus, dying in isolation apart from their families. People with mental health issues are already struggling with so much pain. Adding on to their struggles with the possibility of being in a scenario like this is too much to bear.

4. A Decline in Financial and Job Security

Some cope with their depression by working and providing for their families. It makes them feel important and valuable. With businesses closed indefinitely, their anxiety over the security of their jobs and means of income is enough to trigger panic attacks for them.

5. Feelings of Hopelessness

All the negativity caused by the pandemic makes people with mental health issues feel like all hope is lost. Reports keep coming in about how the numbers of infected individuals keep increasing along with the fatality rates all over the world. The numbers aren’t encouraging at this point which leaves them going through the cycle of worry-despair-hopelessness.

6. Social Withdrawal and Loneliness Due to Social Distancing and Quarantine

Female crying in the corner

The battle with mental health illness is a lonely battle each victim faces. Sure, there are those who help them process their thoughts and emotions and things that help distract them. If you take them away from society and all the interaction it offers them, they end up feeling lonelier than ever.

This health crisis does not only put people’s physical health at risk, but it also increases the risk of mental illness and depression especially among those who already have a history of mental health problems. While we must look out for our bodies, it is also important to look after those who are going through mental health issues.

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