
Employee with his manager

The Hawthorne Effect: The Value of Paying Attention to Your Employees

The Hawthorne studies served as a springboard that led to the development of the human relations management approach. In the experiment, a team of researchers observed if manipulating the work environment affects a worker’s productivity. The results show that working conditions don’t have a significant effect on employee performance. Instead, it was the feeling that […]

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beer on a wooden gourd

Rare Beer Hops Worth Trying

Almost every brewer has brewed with Citra, Galaxy, Saaz, and Challenger. They are some of the most popular beer hops, and you can easily find them in stores. However, some rare hops can stand toe-to-toe with the more popular ones; it’s just that circumstances have made them harder to find. 1. Southern Passion The political

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happy workforce in a modern office environment

Invest in Employee Wellness Through Better Office Design

The core concepts of the modern workplace are changing fast. This in reaction to the attitudes of the today’s employees. A 2019 survey from the Gensler Research Institute indicates that engaging and collaborative offices appeal to workers. But those features may not be enough. A focus on employee wellness is moving to the forefront of

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Business meeting

For New Franchisors: Tips for a Smooth Expansion

When thinking of expanding your business, franchising is one of the viable options. It involves letting investors, known as franchisees, pay you to use your business model, trademarks, and concepts. On the other hand, you, the franchisor-offer, support in the form of training, professional assistance, and advertising. For your business to prosper, you need to

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Happy start up delivery entrepreneur

Small Business System Reaping Big Benefits

Having a business also means having a lot to tend to. A medium to big scale business would already have different departments that make the whole thing run. Product-centered businesses alone must have a marketing department, a finance department, human resources, product research and development, operations, sales, etc. Thankfully, technological advancements have not only been

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