Asthma-Proof Your Home to Ward Off Your Child’s Symptoms

If your kid is one of the approximately 15 million Americans with allergic asthma, the cleanliness of your home is critical. Simple dusting and sweeping may not suffice to ward off your child’s symptoms, especially during spring, when allergies are rampant.

Household items that most of us will not give much thought can be harmful to your kid’s health. Bedding, rugs, and other furniture may not be as cozy for them because of the dust they collect. Some of your appliances may contain substances they’re allergic to as well, like your dryer.

Let run’s through the ways to keep your dwelling asthma-proof for your beloved kid:

Know the Causes of Their Attacks

Asthma attacks are triggered by dust mites, pollen (tree, grass, or wood), cockroaches, animal dander, smoke, chemical fumes, and strong scents such as perfumes.

Certain respiratory illnesses, including flu and sinusitis, may also trigger an attack, as can high-intensity exercise, harsh weather, and emotional episodes that can affect their breathing patterns.

Warning signs of a potential asthma attack are worsened coughs, shortness of breath, and decreased tolerance for exercise.

Considering that COVID-19 cases are still rising, it’s crucial to monitor your kid’s symptoms closely. Their condition can make them more vulnerable to the virus, so eliminate all attack triggers and keep their immune system strong.

Happy family

Household Items That Can Trigger Attacks

Pay attention to the household items your kid is sensitive to, and clean those more often than what’s generally deemed normal.

  1. Bed — If you tuck your kid in bed hoping to ease their symptoms, the act may do more harm than good, because millions of dust mites could be living in the sheets and pillowcases.
  2. The Underside of Plumbing Fixtures — Mold may infest the unseen areas underneath faucets, sinks, and toilets.
  3. Basement — Since basements are also damp, they’re another favorite breeding ground of molds.
  4. Area Rugs and Carpets — Dust, pet dander, and other allergens linger in these objects.
  5. Bookshelves — Displayed items on the bookshelves collect dust, which spreads into the air when removed with a duster.
  6. Stuffed Animals — Like rugs and carpets, their texture also attracts dust.
  7. Holiday Ornaments — Live Christmas trees may harbor mold and collect dust.
  8. Closet — Closets can also be humid; hence mold may thrive in its nooks as well.
  9. Roof Gutters — This place is another breeding ground for molds.

How to Keep Your Home Asthma-Proof

Keep the windows closed and run the A/C. Fans stir up dust, so they’re not recommended. If you have carpet flooring, it’s advised that you replace them with hardwood, tile, or linoleum.

Change your bedding to dust-proof types or special allergen-proof fabric covers. Steer clear of down pillows and comforters, and limit upholstered furniture in your space. As much as possible, prefer wood, plastic, or vinyl furniture, as they don’t trap dust.

Choose window shades or washable curtains over blinds and long drapery, both of which collect dust.

If you have pets, keep them in a room away from your kid. Bathe them regularly and keep them off upholstered furniture to prevent their dander from settling.

Prevent molds by keeping your spaces dry and well-ventilated. Remove wet clothes from the washer immediately, and avail reliable dryer vent cleaning services when necessary.

Be diligent in maintaining your entire home. Clean dehumidifiers and humidifiers regularly, repair leaks at once and keep a stash of mold-killing products that won’t trigger allergic reactions from your child.

Go easy on the indoor plants. Many of them may be known for purifying the air, but they can also grow mold, so don’t place any in your child’s bedroom.

Maintaining an asthma-proof home can be more tedious than usual, but you’ll benefit from it, too. Your child will live more comfortably, and you’ll boost your respiratory health as well.

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